Kuvan Kevät exhibition until 28.5! IN THE EXHIBOTION LABORATORY (Merimiehenkatu, Helsinki) De rerum
More info of me and others participants: http://www.exhibitionlaboratory.fi/haapala

Boundaries and cosmic horizons
Biology has step into my life more intensively than ever. I've been working in fields of different scales and perspectives. I am right...

Konnect in Kilpisjärvi biological station
In this ongoing week I took part of Konnect, program that tries to connect artist and scientist to collaborate. We spent one week in...

Wonderful Utö! ❤️
I had a change to visit in Utö island again in the end of january. That island is so amazing with it's stars and mornings. I was there...

We used to make outside-galleries with Kuvankantajat Ry. This is from Koroisten niemi, Turku.
Next summer when Finland is going to be 100 years old there is coming up something kind of different.. From Kuvankantajat.. indeed :)...

I found old news from Örö..
Soon I am leaving to Utö, find out what kind of weather they have in the eye of the winter.. :) http://yle.fi/uutiset/3-8651772

Matter Matter
Matter Matter: Materiaalisuus poliittisesti, ekologisesti ja eettisesti uudelleen ajateltuna Keskiviikko, marraskuu 16, 2016 - 11:00 -...

---> Island called Örö
I´ve been now almost two weeks in island called Örö. There is a residency here, called Impilinna. I´ll work here with some of my...

Cents and soil exhibition in Helsinki, Project room
Today I am guarding in our exhibition, so I will be here the whole day. There will also be the Art walk in Helsinki today and our...