Boundaries and cosmic horizons
Biology has step into my life more intensively than ever. I've been working in fields of different scales and perspectives. I am right now taking part of Aalto university's course of bioart Leeky loop systems (Bart Bartacu is teaching us how to manipulate and grow seeds in laboratory environment). It's been so interesting as I have my home lab running on for a while already...

Nature, earth is the space where we live and is all we have, why we exist. We are part of it. Our cosmic horizon is the end and the beginning. Cosmic horizont is the light we can see and the farest we can see is the beginning of universe.. So amazing and weird. Maybe that is the reason why I have passion to shoot stars everytime it's possible.. To experience that feeling.
I love the feeling when I press shutter down and start wait... Time goes on and i count on seconds.. Then eventually I can see what I have captured. The light from outher space. I kind of can see much farther and overstep my boundaries. My boundaries, human boundaries. With science we can alienate boundaries while different religions are stepping over them. How ever we do have our bodies that are attached on our earthly space and time; what includes boundaries... Behing is something what can't tell. There are no words for. That is sacred. That is the word for that.
"The world isn't for us but we exist for the world."