---> Island called Örö
I´ve been now almost two weeks in island called Örö. There is a residency here, called Impilinna. I´ll work here with some of my projects and do some studies about this nature.
-----------> Örö Residency Center Association The residency is administered by Örön Residenssikeskus ry, an artists-run organization functioning as a co-operative platform. We seek to collaborate with diverse interest groups and organizations in the fields of art and research to ensure a versatile use of our residency and to realize various interdisciplinary projects. The pilot period has been coordinated by representatives from Muu ry, Mustarinda Association, Finnish Bioart Society and Kuvan residenssi ry. The residency pilot project was realized with support from The Arts Council of Finland and The Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland. More info from here: www.öres.fi

It´s been all about new experiences that I´ve been explored in here. It feels like this is an isolated island while it´s a winter and there are only two ferries that arrives here per week.. so...first of my days I spent all alone in the whole island. It was awesom and at the same time it was frighthening.
The nature in here is so amazing and I can strongly feel that I am part of it. Being in "quietness" (what really doesn´t even exist), makes me sesitized and be in the heart of thoughts that really is important for me. There is nothing redundant in here, just us, me and nature!
In the old hunter - gatherer tribals had animistic comceptions of reality that every creature has a soul and that is how man is usually more or less equal with animals, plants and natural forces. The rituals were essential to ask permissions from nature to eat something or burn woods! Also in ancient Finnish figure of the world had animistic features. In every pieces or forces has strenghts or creatures = crowd! I think I can feel them in here :)
Trees are beautiful in here and quite old also. This climate in here has made them very special as they are so curvy and some looks like they are twins. :) In the old days people were thinking that there were some magical powers in the curved trees and in trees anyway. They called these circled trees for Tapionlukko or umpipuu and they were used for a healing rituals.
