Wonderful Utö! ❤️
I had a change to visit in Utö island again in the end of january. That island is so amazing with it's stars and mornings.

I was there startig to write my thesis and it was the perfect place for that!
I am now in the moment writing about Illusions, tricks like you see the mirages on horisont.. That's something that interests me most. It's so funny and great moment when you finally see the red storyline in your working and practise and you know it's been there all the time but you couldn't express it otherwise than with images and installations... About year ago i was in Korpooo and I was waching mirages on horisont.. Wondering seeing as a prosess and how our perception works.. Now it's more than that, I went further and wonder now illusions, what we can't see and what we not seeing... We'll see where this ends up..