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"Searching utopia"  -  project is going to happen! Big Thanks to Zarya A. I. R, Vladivosto

ZARYA AiR 2017-2018 PARTICIPANTS We are pleased to announce the final results for 5th ZARYA AiR Open Call 2017-2018. It was a very hard choice, and we appreciate all the applicants (310 in total) for their interest and projects proposals. Sadly, our capabilitis are limited, and we are not able to invite everyone but we sincerely hope that the ones who could not make it this time do not give up and catch their opportunity to live and work in Vladivostok next year. Additionally, we thank our experts for their time and priceless comments. So the list of 2017-2018 ZARYA residents is as follows: Kitty Mykka Bryner, Lance Belanger / Canada Alina Desyatnichenko / Russia Tatiana Efrussi / Russia Verena Issel / Norway Olga Jurgenson / Russia Leif Olof Holmstrand / Swiss Jinhwon Hong / South Korea Ma Haijiao / China METASITU / Latvia, Spain Roman Minaev / Russia Royce Ng / Australia Ivan Novikov / Russia Anahita Razmi / Germany Elena Redaelli / Italy Elien Ronse / Belgium Anastasia Ryabova / Russia SASHAPASHA / Russia SEARCHING UTOPIA / Finland Anastasia Tsayder / Russia Katarzyna Wolinska, Ashiq Khondker / Poland, USA Ekaterina Yushkevich / Russia Congratulations to the winners, and we look forward to having another inspiring year! 

Searching utopia - project is still waiting for a working grant for nex year.. I wish we'll have it!! 

Thanks so much to Suomen taideyhdistys for giving me The grant for young artists (Nuorten taiteilijoiden apuraha) !!! ❤️ We can buy an exellent camera for filming "searching utopia" and computer for editing material! 

Also thanks to Aboa Vetus&Ars Nova for giving me a working space for next autumn! Can't wait start working! 

I will soon write more about this upcoming project, but for now my exhibition KATVE will be in Peri's gallery for the end of the month (30.12.2017). 

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