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Animal and the logic of others

behind: The language of the body, Lilli Haapala. Infront: Monika Czyżyk + Torsten Z. Burns

ANIMAL AND THE LOGIC OF OTHERS 9.6.–30.7.2017 Exhibition Laboratory Merimiehenkatu 36, Helsinki Ti-su/Tue-Sun 11–18

A decade into the omnipresent “Non-Human Turn”, art historian Hanna Johansson and Moving Image artist Caspar Stracke, both Professors at the Academy Fine Arts of Uniarts Helsinki curated an exhibition at the Academy’s Exhibition Laboratory as the outcome of a theme-oriented intensive course on Posthumanism in Contemporary Art. Posthumanism is addressed here both as an historical concept that first appeared around mid-twentieth century and as a contemporary umbrella term which gathers together various timely trends that follow humanism or put humanistic tradition into parenthesis. The art works in this exhibition address the prevalent questions embedded in this post-human thought ranging from post-fossil energy and other ecological systems to non-human agencies (specifically animals and plants) and locate them within the hybridization of nature and technology. Christiana Bissett Flora Bouteille Monika Czyżyk + Torsten Z. Burns Ewa Gorzna + Katarzyna Miron Lilli Haapala Aoibhe Jessen + Estelle Schorpp Minna Kangasmaa to kosie Terhi Nieminen Eeva-Maija Pulkkinen + Perttu Saksa Anu Raatikainen Eetu Sihvonen Aarni Vaaramo Saska Ylätalo Ksenia Yurkova Haliz Yosef and Hörner / Antlfinger (GER) Duke + Battersby (CAN) Beatriz da Costa (US) Special events: Animal Locig films curated by Jim Supanik (NY) >>>Saturday June 10 at 7:00 pm. featuring workd by Jesse McLean, Kathy High, Jim Trainor, and Nancy Andrews Animal Logic lectures by Jim Supanick and Filipa Ramos (London) >>>Tuesday June 13 at 6:00 pm.

All the gallerypictures by Ksenia Yurkova:


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