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Aark(.fi) residensy in Korppoo

HI! I decided to start write a blog. I haven´t done it before, but I thought this could be also useful for me to write in english.. So.. my english isn´t the best as it could be, but I take it as a challenge.. My residency in here started on sunday 4. of October and I´ll stay here untill the end of October. I have no specific project that I ´ll do here, but first I am going to just observe the nature and read some books, listen nature and have fun! :) I have few books with me which I hopefully will read.. Puiden kansa, Evolution and human nature, Ympäristöestetiikan polkuja, Tietoisuuden selitys and also a book about some scientific mysteries, which I just took from the library. Most of these are giants, but I hope I will read atleast one of those.


I just arrived here in Korppoo on Sunday. Ooh.. and the sea was here waiting for me, also some cruel winds. I´m going to stay here for one month and I am so glad to come here. Just in last weekend I had a change to visit in Utö where was Frontiers in retret seminar and some workshops including. I met so many wonderful people and I had great time! anyway.. I´m getting more and more familiar with the sea and I´ve notised that I am getting quite fond of it. Especially when it´s winding.

I talk to the wind / King Krimson

today I´ve been cycling all over the island and found myself for example singing in the beach: I talk to the wind -song :) This song has been in my mind for few months now..It just came from nowhere, or maybe I´ve started to consentrade to hear things more.. And wind is one huge noice maker. I heard this song firs time in 2006 as one of my friend dedicated to me. He told me that it´s my kind of song becose "you are anyhow talking to the wind, I know it". :D And yep maybe I am.. but the wind does not hear. And maybe now it´s my turn to dedicate this song back to you Markku K. <3


Here the stars looks wonderful! It is so dark in here! I was just sitting outside in the dark and watch our milkyway, and listen the sounds of the wawes and ferry. I took few photos. I decided to shoot everynight something at 22:22, ´cose I am (for some weird reason) watching the clock almost everynight at this same specific moment when time is 22:22.. That´s maybe something I shoud pay a tension to.. maybe

Oh yeah, and as I was cycling back to the Aark I differ from the road and went into some forest, I found someones hidden (still full) booze-bottles! Just wondering funny stories which made of these..


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